Thursday, December 11, 2008

The station with a moniker I will never be one of.

If that subject makes any sense, then kudos. You can read bad grammar Adam. But I will elaborate. It has been since Monday, but I have finally had some time to dwell on it, listen to some shows, and give me ultimate opinion. On Monday, my favorite radio station in the world, the one I listened to, at some points, pretty much all day from Jagger in the mornings until Big Dick Hunter at night, has flipped formats to an all sports theme. Now don't get me wrong, as most of you know, I am a rabid sports fan, in fact, one of the biggest I know. I not only love to watch sports, but I love to learn the history, hear the stories and love the mythical nature it can bring in normal people. But the whole concept of listening to sports all day is just asinine. Plus the concept of how you will listen to it is the same. It is 105.3 The Fan, which they say is a caller driven concept.

First of all, who cares what other fans think about your sports. Yeah, sometimes you will get an okay opinion and maybe a caller who has an IQ above his shoe size, but 9 times out of ten it is some good ol' boy Bubba who has little else to say besides "Hey man, that Tony Romo sucks man." I honestly don't care to listen to it, nor will I partake in it. From time to time it is okay, as it has been done on the station before. Sometimes an hour or so devoted to sports talk, and that is about all that I can handle, and that is only if it is about the Cowboys. If it is Mavericks, Stars or worse, the Rangers, I could care less, and I did tune out in those times. But now I am tuning out for good. If I wanted sports, I would rather a long-time sports writer whose opinion I respect give me news and commentary on sports, even if I don't agree, it is usually a well thought out opinion. That is why I listen to Pardon the Interruption, Around the Horn and Football Today. Three shows that are all podcast from ESPN with reputable people hosting them, not Bubba who thinks Jessica Simpson is hexing the Cowboys.

More than anything, I feel betrayed that even though some shows have said they will not change, have. No matter how much you say that they have not, they have. Whether it is Jagger with his hour long discussion on Marion Barber and Jerry Jones, or Ben and Skin talking Mavs ad naseum, I just will no longer listen. Plus they got rid of the best show on the lineup, Big Dick Hunter's Wild Ass Circus. It is not only humorous, but gives a real newsworthy edge most shows could never get, and probably want really. I was already very upset they let Pugs and Kelly go, but I stuck around because I loved Ben and Skin, but now, my 3 year long relationship is over. I guess it is a good thing that I did not ask it to marry me, that would have been a bad divorce, but now we will just go our seperate ways, looking back on what could have been.

1 comment:

MarkJD said...

Who do we root for now that the Cowboys lost? Atlanta feels like the Cinderella team. The Titans have Vince and I have always liked the Colts who seem red hot (but already have their title).