Friday, December 5, 2008

You said I was gayer than the beach volleyball scene from Top Gun!

I will post more no this, but I had to take a short lunch. I just wanted to post the video and then how I feel about prop 8 and how bogus it is.

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

For those of you that know me, you probably know my position on gay issues. I have written a paper that I wish I still had, where I basically just outlined why the bible doesn't explicitly state it is against it, it is a violation of our inalienable rights and that it would mean more money for states. I am glad that this issue is not quite done as it is being challenged in the courts in California and I won't really joke about the issue as I had planned, because the video kind of shows the absurdity of the ban. And I think Keith Olbermann made a great point on this show where he uses a lot of the stances I use, and even more moving was that he says that he is not one of the people that say they have a gay friend or something that lets him know the issue, because he says he is not really close to a gay person. I guess he forgot Rachel Maddow, but it was important to note because it is not a personal issue, it is civil rights issue. The point that I always try to make is that gays are the just about the last bastion, last acceptable group of people to subjugate. People would be up in arms if the same proposition say, outlawed blacks or any other minority group to get married. I won't get on a soap box to say that straight people don't respect marriage because of the divorce rate, or that many gay people have been together for years and love each other as much because that is not a valid argument. A valid argument is that we breeders have THE RIGHT to do it, whereas gays DO NOT. Say what you will about god or religion, that doesn't matter for the fact that we have a separation of church and state in this country of ours. So why not let them have the right? As a liberal, bleeding heart at that, I am very disappointed in Barack Obama's stance on it. He agrees with civil unions, which is basically the same thing except the title, but that is not good enough for me. Why are people so afraid of gay marriage? It will not devalue my marriage, because i will love my wife just as much as I do now. It wont lead to us marrying animals as some suggest. It is a human and human, not man and dog. That is ridiculous that anyone would think we would devolve to that. I think what hurt me more and I know it wasn't the end all be all that let the proposition first pass, was that while it was a record black turnout in most, if not all states this election. And Blacks voted against prop 8 in far greater numbers than any other race. They were only around 10% of the electorate, but that made somewhat of a difference. Actually, Rachel Maddow said that virtually all minorities voted more for prop 8 than whites. The largest amount of voting groups for prop 8 were (big surprise) Evangelicals, Republicans and the poor/poorly educated in that order, I think it was 85%, 80% and 73% respectively, but these numbers were stripped of race and just used other criteria. I think that liberals are trying to thwart the notion that minorities were responsible for this passing, but in all actuality, I really think minorities who did vote more for it than whites were at least partially responsible. That being said, I hope that it is repealed and the courts rule it out even though it is a constitutional change. It will be tougher now, but let us hope that all people in the state of California and eventually the US get the same, equal rights we all enjoy.

In closing, I leave you with this thought: if you believe that god made us in his image, than you need to know that god loves gays because he made gays (and rainbows), so sholdnt you love them as well?

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