Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dr Dre Beat the Holy Hell out of a woman and Richard Hunter thinks it is okay to continue to use his products.

Richard Hunter ( is a great afternoon political talk show host on AM 1360 Dallas 4-6 PM. He is an avid user and promoter of the Beats by Dr. Dre Headphones. I contend because Dr. Dre beat the holy shit out of a woman, we should not reward his psychotic behavior by purchasing and promoting said headphones. I have tried to communicate this to him via e-mail, then started tweeting each day last week to get him to talk about this on air, he finally did, but of course misconstrued my point and does not seem to care that Dr. Dre plead no contest to this brutally vicious crime.

Here is my side since Richard likes to poorly summarize my position and doesn't let me on the phone to counter two days in a row when I am on hold for 25 minutes. Also, the Wiki about this is Here and the Cracked Article: 7 Beloved Celebrities and the Awful Shit You Forgot they did where I found about it. They use the term Beloved, Forgot and Celebrity loosely on most of them. I contend that a premeditated brutal beating of a person, let alone a woman is psychotic behavior. Richard does not. I put it on par with killing a dog because Dr Dre had all intentions of intimidating this Dee Barnes woman. So with that, I believe his use of Dr. Dre (appropriately named) Beats headphones is inexcusable. Especially be he extols the virtues of them constantly.

Please reply tweet him (@HunterShow) to ask him to stop using these headphones on his show and get rid of them appropriately. Also, you can friend him on Facebook and ask that he do the same. I will be doing this each day before his show until he does. Please help me do the same.

My Daily Tweet: @huntershow Why do U believe a vicious, premeditated beating of a person is OK? Because U continue 2 use his products.

If you are bored, read the whole e-mail story below.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: lets try this
From: Wayne Reyna
Date: Tue, October 13, 2009 9:04 pm
To: , Pugs ,
Kelly ,

While I agree I have poor communication skills, I did get you to bring it up. As far as my inferences, that is probably not what I meant, but as you said, via 140 characters, it is difficult to convey a point. I did not know about what he did either. I had found this out when I did had e-mailed it to you in a story along with Pugs and Kelly. They talked about it on air and you did not. I then e-mailed you again asking you to talk about it. I did that a few times, you did not bring it up, so last week I started Tweeting it to get others to see it and you to see it as well. While you may think that there is a certain point of logic there, that is where you are wrong. I am merely stating when you take a moral stance, where you are saying to people "If you watch the NFL, then you like it more than your dog" it paints you into a corner. That is why people like Jeff try to bust you on any one thing you may say. I am not trying to do that, but I am trying to push a point, same as you are doing. While you have the ability to do that with your radio station, I have the same to do it via Twitter. And I successfully got it at least spoken by you where before I got no response. I didn't say you were no better than Vick, I am saying that you inferred that people don't like their dogs if they watch the NFL, I am saying you would rather listen to your headphones and beat a woman than not.

While I have have no dog, I don't buy into your logic. You also don't agree that a premeditated, vicious beating of a person, let alone a woman is psychotic. I do. I think there is something wrong with that person just as much as Vick and I agree they need help. So I do see them as one in the same. Same with Joe Francis. You don't see what he did as something bad. But upon seeing the video, I believe he did. Not even just because it is a woman, I am against violence period, I think there are certain ways to solve things, and he of all people should know that with his security. Even if he didn't do anything, he could have just walked straight to his security personnel and solved the situation without pulling her to the ground by grabbing her hair and dragging her. That was uncalled for retaliation.

Those are points that you will not bring up as well, you get pretty defensive and either change the subject, or point out something else. You are the king of the red herring. I don't know if that is for effect or a bit, but either way, that is how you handle things with P&K. And Kelly is the same, I don't know if she is doing a bit, but she is so uncomfortable bringing up anything to you, she avoids it like the NFL thing or Joe Francis because she doesn't want the fight. As far as mocking, again, could be bit, but P&K seem to point out that you think you are better for not watching the NFL. I have at least a few people, my wife and her best friend at work to point out a few, that stopped listening to you because you come of as a jerk when you mention it. While I don't completely agree with them, your email is dripping of condescension, especially the last line of your e-mail show that you feel some air of superiority over someone like me who watches the NFL. But just so you know, I am equally concerned about both politics and football. I may have said that on your facebook as a joke, but I read the newspaper and watch news everyday and am aware of what is going on besides just football, even though I am very knowledgeable of it. Also, I did do work for Obama, Martin Frost in 2004, Ken Bentsen's Senatorial primary run in 2002 and two of his other house election runs in 98 and 2000. So I would a) hardly find that "not getting off my ass" and b) it illustrates how much of an ass you trying to be. As far as the new Moore movie, I understand a lot of the things he has said in the movie, am fascinated by what you said about it, but just don't care much for his movies anymore. Fahrenheit 911 was the last movie of his I enjoyed. But just so you know, I would not stop listening to you even if I felt that, I do think you seem like you are of higher moral character because you do. And that is the reason I don't like most Christians if that draws any parallels. And juts dont assume you know me because you read things I post or say online, it is usually mocking or joking and that is a small sliver of my life. I probably know more about you because I listen everyday.

I don't think I said anything about you personally, so I don't get where that comes from. I may have said you were a hypocrite, but that is about it, and I believe it. As I said, I have done things against what I try to do, so I don't usually point it out to others. But like I said, your peerless stance leaves you susceptible to pointing out. I may have said some cruel things about Joe Francis, but they are deserved. He is a jackass and now I don't support him as I did before. I was concerned for him when he was in jail, and it is all for naught now. I could care less. Glad he is out of jail, but hope his company does poorly, but porn is another business where people are emotionally invested, so I doubt that will happen.

As for the Headphones, I was going to buy my wife a pair of either those of those Lady Gaga Heartbeats. But after reading that, I would not. Your line where you said you PROBABLY would not buy them either means you support Dr. Dre. I don't care that you get rid of yours. I hope that you will, but I doubt it because you will try to say that your wife already paid money for them or say its not as bad as Vick. People like myself who think it is just as bad will agree with me, and they will get that in my now more concise, once daily tweet until you get rid of them. I left work a little early today to get on the phone and clarify my points but you went on and on with Jeff. If you ever want to talk about it on air again, I can do that anytime after 5:30 on most days, so I look forward to doing that.

-Adam Reyna

P.S. I am sure there are plenty of grammatical errors and misspellings you can mock and distract me or others with because I did this as quickly as I could from my head to get everything out. I might have missed a few points, but feel i got out everything about where I am coming from.

Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 19:00:15 -0500
Subject: lets try this


I can't take trying to decipher your convoluted logic in 140 character increments on Twitter, so let's try email. Here is where you are disconnected:

I am saying that torturing animals or people is psychopathic behavior, like serial killers. You will not find a psychiatrist who will put someone who strikes a woman, child, or animal (for example) on a level that rises to that of a psychopath. It is certainly objectionable behavior, but not what would be attributed to someone who is completely without empathy (see definition of psychopath). For example: Russ Martin and Michael Vick = not the same kind of bad. Russ Martin = bad, Michael Vick = diabolical. I certainly wouldn't want to work with Russ Martin again, or support him in any way, but he is not the same kind of deviant (as far as I can tell) that Michael Vick is. Therefore, he does not present the same continual liability to humanity that Vick does.

You bring up a good point with Dre in that what he did is inexcusable, and had I known about that I probably would not have purchased his headphones. However, rather than reach out to me to inform me of this story, you automatically treated me as though I knew about the story and just didn't care. The reason that I referenced the length of time that had passed since the incident was not because I think that qualifies for any leniency, but rather it was to point out that you sent me no link and acted as though this was something that was recently in the news. I wasted a bunch of time googling variations of "dr dre domestic abuse" and finding nothing because, again, you didn't even bother to explain who he assaulted. Then, you talked to me in a totally disrespectful manner until Pugs finally told me what the hell you were talking about, and that is ONLY because you somehow managed to mention HIM in all of you vague tweets so I finally had a source to go to.

Your problem is that you are taking a valid point that you could make, and because of your utter lack of communication skills, you overshadow your own point by attacking someone that you presumably want to listen to you by unleashing a bunch of inflammatory indictments in their direction.

Your final conclusion is that because I have Dr. Dre headphones, I am no better than Michael Vick. Your quote was "...unless u get rid of the headphones, Ur no better than who u mock". That is completely devoid of logic, and it is currently inspiring a round of disbelieving laughter with the guys here in the studio. You continue "(you are) hypocrtical in the sense that U are taking a moral stance against 1 thing and not another". By your logic (using the term loosely) everyone would be a hypocrite who doesn't take a moral stance on EVERYTHING. Which, I suppose, is a convenient way for you to continue to enjoy guilt free football without having to actually get off your ass and do anything. After all, we can't take a stand on everything, and we wouldn't want to be hypocrites, right? That sounds like a good reason to just sit there, tweeting your fantasy football concerns to the world. I choose to do something, and I suppose that is what is so off-putting to someone like you who rather than see Michael Moore's film on corporate corruption would rather "watch The Cowboys...Even if they lose again". That snapshot of apathy to the world around you in response to my Michael Moore post lives on my FB wall as a testament to how in the hell Wall Street deregulation happens right under our noses.

Eligible voters like you are busy concerning yourselves with 3rd down conversions. Please continue to keep us posted on those via Twitter.

Richard Hunter

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4-6pm on 1360 AM Dallas.